mostly in India, the black buck is one of the most photographed of wildlife
species. These antelopes are counted among the fastest animal species on
earth. They can run at a speed of 50 miles/hour. This high speed and a keen
eyesight account for their protection much. The population of the Indian
antelope has been badly affected by poaching and loss of habitat. However,
wildlife conservation measures are on to make these wonderful creatures able
to survive a few more years.
Scientific Classification
: Animalia
Class : Mammalia
Family : Bovidae
Genus : Antilope
Phylum : Chordata
Order :
Subfamily : Antilopinae
Species : A. cervicapra
Latin Name : Antelope cervicapra (Linnaeus)
Local Names : Harna - male/Harni female
(Hindi), Haran (Marathi), Jinka/Krishna Jinka (Telugu)
Physical Traits
The Indian antelope is one of the most elegant of all antelopes; its
due to its striking colour and wonderful spiral horns. The upper body part
of a male black buck is covered with black fur while the chest, belly and
the inner sides have white fur. A beautiful contrast indeed! White rings
around their eyes add much to the beauty of their features. The average
weight of a balck buck is 40 kg. Horns, that may have three to four turns,
measure between 50 and 65 cm. Horned females are rarely spotted. Though
there is no particular time for breeding, the period between February and
March is quite interesting, as this is the time when the bucks fight against
each other to acquire the does.
Habitat & Diet

to India, the black buck inhabit open grasslands, dry thorn and scrublands.
Poaching has done much harm to the Indian antelope. Today, they have been
confined to open grasslands along rivers like Godavari, Krishna, Pennar and
their tributaries in the state of Andhra Pradesh and at Point Calimre in
Tamil Nadu. The Wildlife Tour of Black Buck Antelope lives on grass. Leaves, pods, fruit,
shrubs and flowers also constitute its vegetarian diet. The lifespan of a
black buck varies from 12 to 16 years.
Spotting the Black Buck
The black buck is a major draw for wildlife visitors to India. There are a
number of sanctuaries and national parks where the graceful Indian antelope
can be easily spotted.